Our problems are complex.

And you may not know the people who don’t know they are in shackles. Not know the ones who have lost hope or the ones who no longer have the will to fight. But freedom and justice must be restored. I think you’d agree, there is no greater calling than to leave this world better for our kids. People follow clarity, and in America, it is In God Alone We Trust. As the founder @ fifty first street, I have designed my organization to lead the shift required in our culture offering new and challenging, fun activities for our youth. Neighborhood activities that involve and bring order to the family-unit and community. Followed by ever improving academics; evolving to the vision that creates local markets where our customers can choose to become landlords and business owners. Walking away from Big Box stores. An example our entire society should embrace. Accruing wealth and discovering the right way to protect their turf; stepping into a solid middle class life. Reminded of their enterprising minds so they inspire their kids to learn a trade, creating the space to initiate. Children are then inspired to want to walk away from the only opportunities they’ve ever been exposed to. The violence associated with guns and drugs. Bold. Yes. But I have been prepared, with over 30 years of servant leadership experience @ IBM, XEROX, UTC and thereafter as a consultant for small business; grounded with a unique perspective, to step into my assignment. The one I have been preparing and am expected to complete.

It was an exacting test; but I am tenacious, and inherently knew even then that one day it would all make sense? Trusting that what I was having to face was for something far greater? Determined. Humbled. Forced to focus, and approach my client’s problems differently. I would Implement strategies that always led to great success not only for them, but for their customer’s customers, my company and me; discovering in the process just Who was allowing for that success. My client’s trusted me to deliver what I could see and commit to. And today, it’s an opportunity to create a better world for our children by helping people believe in themselves again. A hand up; an investment in them. To get there requires a multifaceted approach and follow through.  One that fifty first street is uniquely positioned to accelerate!

born for

such a time

as this…

Your being grounded lies on the other side…

Inspired children begin with inspired parents, and in a world where fear is an easy sell; anger, frustration, anxiety, and depression proliferate. Easily offended and divided, let’s get to the heart of the matter. We need all hands on deck to create a new generation of unstoppable children. Children who know who they are. There is no confusion when grounded; there is power to embrace. Power that inspires. Once again, I’m determined and humbled. Letting my life speak to teach how to take hold of this gift, so that people who want the freedom that follows, can partake… I’m truly about the restoration of order and the effectiveness it brings. When not on location or in my studio office, you can find me @ the gym, @ the beach or spending time with my animals in my own mini-wildlife sanctuary. 


-When we seek to understand, we will find our way forward

-If you want to change the world? Teach

-The Kingdom of God - The Restoration - is on our doorstep