Brett Saltus.
The OG. A professional Arborist and General Contractor, one of the best in the northeast when he was just 30 years old, who spent his weekends donating his time and equipment doing charitable good works. Other times you could find him coaching soccer with his two little boys in tow. A man of character. Who loved, and was loved by many…
Given a $7 Million Bond, and what turned into a life sentence for having, if we define it properly, a chronic disease - A first offender, slaughtered. Guilty only of possessing the very drug he was prescribed. A man who wanted help right from the beginning, whose life was stolen. A man who lost his children. Them, their father. His business wiped out. An enormous cost both figuratively and literally because no one had the courage to question what they were being told? Offended. In fear of the truth? An entire community TRICKED by a CORRUPT SYSTEM; believing he was the problem, when in reality it had been a deliberate gaslighting to intentionally destroy his life! Getting away with it because of our response.
Think about all the lives destroyed? All of our tax-payer money wasted, fighting an unwinnable war!
All of the children lost. A world in chaos because of our fear of the truth!
One day, despite the haters, in spite of all the experts or of being dismissed, he found strength in humility. Freely given the Grace; understanding its essence, to do the work. The Power to stand his ground. The enemy fled.
And becomes the change the world wants.
A man who never gave up. Who SACRIFICED everything for what we as a society needed to be taught.
Able to surrender his ego and discover a confidence that far surpasses what the world dictates. Overwhelmed by His LOVE. Able to access His Power to serve. Answer the CALL on his life. Focus on the vision; to create grounded, purpose-driven lives, rather than remain immovable in a failed war that none of us wins.
Humbled. Obedient. Grateful to have discovered life after death. Positioned to lead. Which begs the question(s)…
When do we wake up and decide to save our children? When do we fearlessly face the betrayal? And recognize that the illicit drug trade has been a profit center for the elites? Why else would they make legal pain medication impossible to attain? Think.
How do we heal from the lies we’ve been told? Only when we acknowledge and take responsibility for our indifference. When we find the absolute courage and heart centered empathy to execute with precision what we have learned.
When we have what that takes.