Our Destiny.

The land of milk and honey

You found fault in me.  But I saw someone in need. Here we go again. Even hated, but this time it’s about the destruction of your life, not his.

They colluded with the media to destroy you. But you didn’t see an elderly man who needs his family on that debate stage?  A feeble, old man w the most powerful job in the world?  “Bad debates happen,”  Barack Obama gaslights.  You didn’t see a man with dementia?  Our country isn’t at risk?  Don’t believe your eyes, they say.  “No need to worry, we’re staying on course!”

Then the backpedaling: Who is a threat to democracy now?  Lied to about everything! This has nothing to do w his health and everything to do with winning. They covered it up.  Why?  Because of what they have planned. Since when do elites replace any candidate bc jailing their opponent didn’t work?

You’ve been FOOLED. TRICKED. That’s why they’re panicking. I know you hate me, but I’ve been telling you the truth. It’s the same enemy I fought; only this time it’s YOU who has been sold for destruction and slaughter and annihilation. Many of you will discern this. Some of you won’t…

esther 7: 4

But God

Humble yourself…

It was Monday June 24, 2024, three days before the debate, when He gave me eyes that see. A glimpse, just as He has since 1991, when I first began noticing them demonstrating His Complete Control of Everything. Isaiah 64: 4

A glimpse of the new world that awaits right before I even opened my eyes that day. Experiencing it with my new rescue, Liam who began cuddling; licking and rolling all over me with pure joy, finally understanding he’d found his forever home!  OH, THE PURE JOY I FELT, knowing he finally understood!! Went outside to my six foot fenced in backyard w him, where a doe having jumped over it, stands statuesquely - staring straight at Liam and me. While the birds and squirrels stood still.  As if all the wild animals were waiting on us?  The land of milk and honey…

Then again July 10, three days before the assassination attempt on President Trump, sitting on my Adirondack chair sipping my coffee. The doe is resting in the brush behind my Japanese Maple right before me, looking straight into my eyes as Liam runs around. A spiritual connection. No doubt. Grounded bc NCSWIC. N. (Nothing Can Stop What is Coming. ) Nothing! The enemy already lost. God is in Complete Control.

Faith. Family. Freedom. He’s speaking directly to me telling me that your Destiny has been prepared. But He’s waiting on you. His Grace is sufficient. Soon you’ll discover that.. The Book of Esther.

WE ARE NOT VICTIMS! We are warriors, and courage is contagious. This is our country! Our destiny. We are HEALED. A New Constitutional Republic governed by We The People. One Nation under God.

*The Esther prophecy